TWIL: What porcupines sound like when they're talking to their babies. OMG, it is the cutest thing ever.

Also, bears. Had a bear cub and its mom up in the top of an apple tree. I saw the cub first, thought, oh, that's a huge porcupine!

It wasn't a porcupine. Aw, a little bear... omg, there's the big bear.

She was perched in the v top of the tree, frozen in a pose awkward as a cat.

Did I have my phone on me to take video? Sure didn't.

We watched each other as I opened my car, put stuff in, got stuff out, debated going back to the house for my phone. The afternoon lighting was gorgeous. Her nose was long and the cub was cute as hells. She eased gracefully down the tree and loped away, looking like they always do like they’re wearing a loose-fitting fur onesie; the cub followed anxiously and much less gracefully, mostly skidding down the trunk and dropping the last few feet like a dollop of batter.

What I'm excited about recording: Omg, I’m so lucky to be recording Frontier, a magnificent sci-fi (debut novel!) by Grace Curtis. It has lovely and vast themes, one hardass soldier at its center, and a series of micro-arcs that suck you in to the characters and story of one vignette while also unspooling a little of the big arc, and then another and another, like beads on a string. It. Is. Phenomenal! So thrilled to be recording it.

Triumph of the week (ToTW): A spontaneous mission (completed) to process and eradicate shame in memory. You know, those memories that make your skin tighten all over and flaming chills to run up and down your back. I went after them, one after another, on paper, investigating WHY I felt the shame, until the fire went out of the memory. It was a hell of a project. A few more have appeared since for processing, but I am ready.

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Aven Shore